7 Requirements for Homeschooling in Georgia


Welcome to Immanuel Preparatory's guide on the 7 requirements for homeschooling in Georgia. If you're a parent or guardian aspiring to homeschool your child in the state of Georgia, it's essential to understand the legal obligations and guidelines involved. By following these requirements, you can ensure a successful homeschooling journey for your family.

Homeschooling Laws in Georgia

Georgia's homeschooling laws grant parents the freedom to educate their children at home. As a member of the Community and Society - Faith and Beliefs category, Immanuel Preparatory is dedicated to assisting families who choose homeschooling as an educational option. Below, you'll find the 7 essential requirements to comply with when homeschooling in Georgia:

1. Submit a Declaration of Intent

In Georgia, parents or guardians must submit a Declaration of Intent (DOI) to the local school superintendent's office to establish their intent to homeschool. The DOI should include basic information about the student(s) being homeschooled and a statement of the 12-month period when homeschooling will take place.

2. Maintain Attendance Records

As a homeschooling parent in Georgia, it's necessary to keep accurate attendance records for your child. This includes tracking the number of days and hours of instruction provided. Maintaining detailed attendance records will help satisfy the state's requirement and provide evidence of your homeschooling progress if needed.

3. Choose a Legal Cover School Option

Georgia law allows homeschooling families to choose between two legal cover school options. You can either operate as an independent homeschool or enroll your child in a cover school program. Independent homeschooling requires more administrative work, while cover schools offer support services and record-keeping assistance to homeschoolers. Carefully research both options to determine which one suits your family's needs best.

4. Submit Standardized Test Scores

One requirement for homeschooling in Georgia involves submitting standardized test scores for students in grades 3, 6, 9, and 12. These scores should be sent to the superintendent's office by the end of the school year. The standardized test ensures that homeschooled students are meeting academic standards set by the state.

5. Provide a Suitable Curriculum

As a homeschooling parent, you have the flexibility to choose a curriculum that aligns with your educational goals and values. However, Georgia law mandates that you provide a "basic academic educational program" that covers mathematics, English language arts, science, social studies, and reading. Ensuring your curriculum adequately covers these subjects will help you fulfill this requirement.

6. Maintain Immunization and Health Records

While Georgia does not mandate specific vaccinations for homeschooled students, it's crucial to maintain accurate immunization and health records. In the event of transitioning back to a traditional school setting or participating in certain activities, having up-to-date records can streamline the process and ensure the health and safety of your child.

7. Monitor and Evaluate Progress

As a homeschooling parent, it's essential to continually monitor and evaluate your child's academic progress. Regularly review completed assignments, conduct assessments, and provide constructive feedback. This ongoing evaluation helps ensure your child's educational development and can provide insights into areas that might need additional attention.


Successfully homeschooling in Georgia involves complying with the state's requirements while providing your child with a comprehensive educational experience. Immanuel Preparatory is committed to supporting homeschooling families by providing resources, guidance, and personalized assistance throughout their homeschooling journey. Remember to refer back to this guide and familiarize yourself with the 7 requirements outlined to set yourself up for a successful homeschooling experience.


Art Padovese

This article is a great resource for parents considering homeschooling in Georgia. It provides a comprehensive guide on the legal requirements and guidelines to ensure a successful homeschooling journey for families. It's important to stay informed and comply with these regulations for the best education for our children.